If you are new to tarot or oracle cards, or you have recently got a new deck, you may find you want to use your cards but are not sure what to ask your tarot or oracle deck to get started.
In general, Tarot is best used for open ended questions rather than yes or no questions. However, there is no wrong way to use your Tarot deck so please use and ask the cards questions in whatever way feels right for you.
Below is a list of over 50 categorized questions you can use to ask your tarot or oracle deck for readings.
The following categories are: General Questions, Love & Romance, Family & Friends, Home & Career, and Fertility & Childbirth.
General Life Questions:
What is holding me back?
What am I not seeing?
What is my current challenge?
How can I better honor my potential?
How can I bring my life into balance?
What opportunities are manifesting for me at this time?
What can I do to better honor my body?
What should I focus on this week/month/season?
What does my soul need to hear right now?
How can I invite more peace into my life?
What habits are no longer serving me?
What is my soul’s purpose?
How can I best nurture myself in this moment?
What do I need to release and let go of for my highest good?
What do I need to forgive?
How can I cultivate more self love in my life?
What fears am I currently facing and how do I overcome them?
What is the biggest obstacle to my personal growth?
Love & Romance:
How can I move my love life forward?
How can I improve my love life?
What is the romantic potential of this relationship?
Should I reconnect with my ex?
Does he/she have feelings for me?
How can I better connect in my relationship?
What opportunities in love are coming to me?
Is this person more than a friend?
Is there a spiritual connection with this person?
How emotionally available is this person?
What is the current challenge/struggle/lesson in my relationship?
What can I do to attract the best partner for me?
What are my partners fears about the relationship?
What is the biggest obstacle in my relationship?
What is the current block in my relationship or love life?
What needs more attention in my love life?
Am I better off single or should I remain in this connection?
How can I heal from my ex?
What should I look for in a partner?
What do I need to work on in order to be happy in my love life?
Am I ready for a new relationship?
What do I really need in a romantic relationship?
How can I stop repeating past love mistakes?
Friends & Family
What is my current family situation trying to teach me?
How can I improve the situation with my family/children?
How can I better connect with my friends/family/children?
How can I better connect spiritually with my ancestors spirits?
What should I do/shouldn’t do about a situation with a friend or family member?
How can I improve my friendship or relationship with family?
Is this person someone I can trust as a friend?
How can I better support my family members or friends?
Are there issues from the past that are still affecting the happiness of my family?
What issues from my childhood are effecting me today?
How can I heal the ancestral wounds that run through my family?
How is my past influencing my relationships with friends and family?
Should I reconnect with an estranged friend or relative?
How can I heal a wounded relationship with a friend or family member?
How can I best handle a conflict with a friend or family member?
How can I make friends and improve my social life?
Home, Career & Finances:
What do I need to know most about my career?
How can I move forward with my career?
How am I blocking my own success in my career?
Is the career that I am in the best fit for my talents and happiness?
What will my future hold if I stay in this position?
What is the lesson I am learning from this career?
Am I going to get promoted?
Am I going to get a new job or work opportunity?
What might I experience if I take this job?
Should I move?
How can I attract more abundance in my life?
What should I do/shouldn’t do about a situation with my job?
What is blocking me from achieving my current goal?
Is there a better opportunity for me?
Should I go back to school to learn a new skill?
Is relocating a good option for me?
Am I on the right path in my love life?
In what ways can I improve my financial situation?
What can my current financial situation teach me?
What is no longer serving me or my life financially?
Fertility & Pregnancy
When is the best time for me to get pregnant?
Am I ready to get pregnant?
Is my partner ready for me to get pregnant?
When is the month I will conceive?
What should I know about my pregnancy?
Will my baby be a boy or a girl?
Will I get pregnant this year?
How can I best support myself during this pregnancy?
How can I take care of myself emotionally during this pregnancy?
What zodiac sign will my baby be?
What challenges will I encounter during my delivery?
How can I best prepare for this baby?
How can I best prepare for childbirth and delivery?
Keywords: Questions to ask tarot cards, tarot questions, questions for tarot readings, questions for card readings, what to ask tarot cards about, tarot questions for love, tarot questions for family, tarot questions for friends, tarot questions for money, tarot questions for finances, tarot questions for pregnancy, tarot questions for fertility, tarot questions for relationships