All Reiki and Energy Work sessions are performed remotely, in-person appointments are not available at this time.
1 Hour Reiki Session
For 1 hour you will receive healing Reiki energy which will work on clearing, balancing and activating all 7 of your chakras and energy field. Reiki energy will work through clearing energetic blocks and assist your energy body to flow freely.
Each session includes:
-Initial Energy Cleanse with Sage & Palo Santo.
- 1 full hour of Reiki Healing.
- A photo of the reiki altar used for your session.
-A follow up email where I will discuss details or insights from the reiki session and you can ask any follow up questions.
-1 oracle card reading to provide guidance and healing messages to close the session.
(The 1 oracle card reading will be included in the follow up email after your session)
Aura Healing
Our energetic body, also known as our aura, can become weakened, burdened, fractured, or heavy from our own internal processes or struggles, previous or current trauma and through daily interactions with those around us and the environments and situations we are in on a daily basis.
During this one hour Aura Healing and Clearing session, I will first discover the nature of the auric issues in your energy field that you are experiencing and reveal how and why it became an energy block in the first place. Once the energy blocks and disruptions have been determined, I will then work on your auric field energetically to clear and restore your aura to a completely healed state and return your energy to a natural flow.
The session ends with provided guidance from Spirit on how you can prevent these auric issues from happening again, moving forward, and how you can maintain your auric health. You will receive a PDF document via email with a summary of your Aura Healing session and the provided guidance from Spirit.
Cord Cutting
Energetic cords, also known as etheric cords, can attach themselves to us through our interactions with others, our experiences, and our relationships. They often draw on our energy and deliver to us thoughts, emotions, feelings and energy that is not entirely our own.
In this session, I will facilitate the removal of the energetic and emotional cords that are longer serving your highest good, freeing you of these energetic bonds. I will also identify where the cord existed, in what form (what it looked like), why and how it was created, and spiritual guidance and insight on how you can prevent the cord attaching again. The session concludes by sealing your energy in healing protective light. You will receive a PDF document via email with a summary and photo of your session, and the spiritual guidance and insights from your session.
Do you have something you are struggling with, or something weighing heavily on your mind but do not have anyone to vent or open up to? Do you need advice or someone who will listen without judgement? Do you need to get something off of your chest but do not trust those around you? Are you not sure what direction to take and would like some guidance on the next step or to hear from another point of view?
In this session I will listen to anything you have to say or ask and provide spiritual guidance based on your questions or situation(s). The guidance I provide are messages I channel through spirit at the time of our session to help you on your journey. In the session I create a sacred space where you can feel safe to open up about ANYTHING, where there will be no judgement, no trust issues, no narcissism and no negativity. In a world with so many people, often many of us still can feel alone when we have no one to open up to, I wanted to provide this service to anyone who may be struggling with an issue or just needs someone to talk to be there and listen while providing loving guidance. Come stop by my lighthouse and I will help to guide you on your path.
Note: As this session can get personal, please know all information provided to me is 100% confidential and not shared with anyone, this information is only used during your session so I can provide you with the spiritual guidance and messages in regards to your situation. This session and any other products and services offered by KilmainCrystals is NOT a substitute for any professional medical or mental health advice. It is crucial to seek professional help from a doctor or other health professionals if you have any health related issues or health related questions.
This service is a distant service, in-person appointments are not available at this time.
Restore and Rejuvenate package includes:
-Aura Clearing
-Cord Cutting
-30 Crystal Reiki Session
-Full Chakra Clearing and Cleanse
-1 Card Reading for Spiritual Guidance
-You will a recieve a PDF report via email with insights from each energy session (Reiki, Aura Clearing, Cord Cutting, Chakra Cleanse, and your 1 Card Reading). The PDF report will be sent to you within 3 hours after the session.
30 min Reiki Session
For 30 minutes you will receive healing Reiki energy which will work on clearing, balancing and activating all 7 of your chakras and energy field. Reiki energy will work through clearing energetic blocks and assist your energy body to flow freely.
Each Session Includes:
-Initial Energy Cleanse with Sage & Palo Santo.
-30 minutes of Reiki Healing.
- A photo of the reiki altar used for your session.
-A follow up email where I will discuss details or insights from the reiki session and you can ask any follow up questions.
-1 oracle card reading to provide guidance and healing messages to close the session.
(The 1 oracle card reading will be included in the follow up email after your session)