Welcome to Leo Season! Can you feel the shift? Get ready to roar!
This coming August 8th, the intense energy of the Lions Gate portal will peak. Leo season is something I personally connect with and am heavily influenced by, as I have Leo in my sun sign and the peak of the Lions Gate portal falls on my birthday, August 8th.
What is the Lions Gate portal?
The Lions Gate portal is a period of accelerated transformation and energy shifts, and is a time of intense changes and ascension. The portal opens around July 26th, peaks on August 8th and closes around August 12th. Sirius (the brightest star in the sky), the Sun in Leo, and Earth sync and align to open this powerful portal. As Sirius rises in the sky, Orions Belt aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, and from our view here on Earth, it looks as if Sirius comes closer to the Earth.
You may be feeling a strong push or nudge to make changes or be going through a transformation during this time. The Lions Gate energy can push and pressure you to make the needed changes to shift to the next level. This energy can assist us in clearing away what is no longer serving us for our highest good. This clearing can be leaving toxic relationships or situations, changing careers, or anything that doesn’t align with your truth.
The Lions Gate activation is a period of rebirth and will open the gates for transformation, higher consciousness, higher vibrations, positive change, focus, new ways of thinking, a new found strength, creativity, confidence and courage. This period can also heavily influence unions and reunions with relationships, soulmates, and twin flames.
The Lions Gate activation influences the Solar Plexus Chakra and is associated with the Sun and Leo. The Lions Gate will help you to be fueled by your inner strength, strong will, determination, and personal power. While this gateway is open everything moves faster and this is a perfect time to quickly manifest your desires. Leo season is no time to play it small. This is a time of stepping up and saying no to excuses and old ways. It is a time to break out of any old traditions or unhealthy patterns that don’t respect you or leave you space for living in your truth or own authentic way.
This powerful activation only comes once a year so it is important to use this time wisely and make the shifts and changes you are guided to take. Don’t fear this personal power or strength, harness your power and use this transformative energy to create and attract what you truly resonate with. Are you ready to make the shift?
Lions Gate Tarot Message:
It's common to think of this card as the roaring, devouring side of the lion. But look again- the "strength" this card suggests is a much deeper force that's found within. The lion represents our most patient, composed self. He's a master of focus, compassion, and self-control. When this card comes up, you're in need of harnessing this power for yourself. All the courage you need can be found in the muscle known as the heart. - Wild Unknown Tarot.